Spring is now officially in the air! After all the snow we had I am so glad to see some flowers growing and the sky looking brighter! The snow seriously freaked everyone out over here - think supermarket shelves completely cleared and the snow being nicknamed the 'Beast' by weather channels.
After all of that snow and wind, I'm glad that spring has finally made its' long awaited debut! Because I love this season and building habits, this post is going to be about some wellness habits you can adopt for spring.
These habits are mainly for freshening up you and your surroundings, and improving your overall health and well-being! Let's get into the post!
Cleaning up your space is so important! Take the time to dust and scrub and sort through your belongings so you're only left with the things that bring you joy. One way to do this is to use the 80/20 principle so you can clearly see what it is you need and what it is that you don't need.
The phrase "Tidy space, tidy mind" is something I really stand by. When your room or kitchen or bathroom is clean and clutter-free, you are able to really focus on your work and not have those tasks looming over you.
You can even brighten up your space by surrounding yourself with fresh flowers to make your space even more beautiful and clean!
Self-care is so important, and it should be a constant thing you do with yourself! Take one day a week to treat yourself by running a hot bath, getting a massage, treating your skin and hair and anything else you'd love to do at a spa.
For me, this day is Sunday. I really love taking this time to relax and focus on making myself feel better. I treat my skin and have a lovely bath with some great smelling essential oils. I read, do my nails, get a massage and do some yoga to improve my physical and mental well-being. All of these are things I really look forward to doing and I make time because they are important to me!
Find whatever spa treatments you love and really make a whole day of it if you can!
Since I got my diffuser, I have been building up quite a collection of essential and fragrance oils. The difference between essential and fragrance oils is that essential oils have benefits for your well-being, while fragrance oils are just there to smell good.
The essential oils I have are lavender, lemongrass, sweet orange, and eucalyptus, and the fragrance oils I have are fresh linen, vanilla, and strawberry. These oils smell lovely and there are some benefits of essential oils, such as helping you fall asleep, helping with congestion, or even helping with indigestion.
Mediation is something I've been doing since last year and the more I do it, the more I fall in love with it! I usually meditate at night and I use the app Insight Timer. With this app, you can select the amount of time you want to meditate for and choose an calming alarm for when your time is up. In addition to this, you can also find guided meditations and thousands of them are free! The app also has talks that are inspiring and they cover a range of topics, so there is definitely something for you to like listening to.
Meditation has way too many benefits to explain! I love doing it because it helps me remain calm in stressful situations, it improves my concentration, and increases my overall happiness! This article has tons of benefits of mediation and you can check them all out for yourself.
You don't have to meditate for an hour at a time when you first start out. I literally started with 1 minute, and then 3 minutes, then 5 minutes and so on! Trust me, the more you do it, the longer you can meditate and the more you'll end up loving it! If the weather is great, then why not take it outside in the park?
The phrase "Health is wealth" is another favourite of mine. If you don't take care of your health, then everything else is honestly pointless! Taking care of yourself from the inside will really show on the outside.
Vitamins and supplements are super important for your health. They are very easy to get around and not complicated at all! I take my vitamins daily and I have just started using my bullet journal to track this so I don't forget.
The body you have now is the only one we are going to get, so really take time to look after it!
I hope you found this post helpful and you will try to adopt some of these habits into your daily or weekly routines. Spring is a fresh new season that symbolises life and rejuvenation, so take the time to incorporate this into your life!
I'll see you in the next one!