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How To Achieve Your New Year's Goals

It’s all fine and well making goals or resolutions for the new year, but what use are they if we don’t actually keep them? I love setting goals for the new year because a brand new year is a chance to try and achieve new things or work on previous goals from the year before. Today, I have some tips that I’m gonna share to help you achieve your goals for 2018!

The most important thing is to set goals that you can actually achieve. Don’t set 30 unrealistic goals or have 30 resolutions because chances are you’re not going to manage all of them! Have goals that are totally attainable; losing a realistic amount of weight, reading a realistic amount of books, or having anything else that is sensible and practical is going to make it easier to achieve your goals. If you have too much on your plate, you’re going to give up or feel disappointed in yourself when you don't achieve them. So make sure you set goals that you can envision yourself ticking off at the end of the year.

If you tell someone else about your goals or resolutions, they’re going to help keep you in check! If one of your goals is to exercise more, your friend can help by becoming an exercise buddy and you’ll both manage to achieve something together. When I told my aunt that I wanted to read more this year, she gave me my first book to get started on! Telling people who you know are going to be supportive will definitely work out in your favour, so give it a go!

How amazing is it to look your goals and see how far you’ve come? I think it feels amazing! Tracking your progress motivates you to push further and further until you accomplish it and it’s something you should definitely be doing! If you have a bullet journal, then adding a spread for your goal tracker would be a great decision! Just make sure you track your progress monthly or weekly to see how well you’re doing, or if there are any changes that need to be made.

You won’t manage to get anything done if you just sit back and relax! You need to have steps you’re going to take towards each goal or resolution to make sure you actually achieve them! For each goal, write down how you’re going to go about it. One of my goals is to learn to drive, so my steps include buying a theory book, booking lessons, practise driving with my dad, and take practise tests for my theory test. If you just say “I’m going to learn to drive this year” without writing down how you’ll go about it, you won’t achieve it, so make sure you write down your steps!

Another way to get motivated is to reward yourself when you reach a huge milestone. Many studies have shown that rewards are a great motivator for success and when you reach a milestone, it's great to have something to celebrate with. With each small victory, a reward will push you further until you've accomplished the goal completely, so give yourself small rewards that will keep you going.

This is an obvious one, but the most obvious way to succeed with your goals or resolutions is to not give up! Take everything one day at a time and don’t be mad if you’re not making the progress you envisioned because you haven’t failed; you’ve only failed if you decide to give up completely. Make sure you're easy on yourself and that you remember why you wanted to achieve your goals in the first place! When the reason is always in your head, it will be harder to want to give up anyway!

I hope these tips help you in achieving your goals! If you follow these six steps, you’ll definitely see yourself succeeding with your goals. Make them achievable, keep yourself motivated and if things aren't going to plan, don't sweat it! Make small changes and take it one day at a time. Good luck!🌟